#16 Feel Good Money Mindset - A Chat with Megan Hale on Taking Control of Your Business & Life

Are you looking to transform your relationship with money? On this episode of Tandem Works, Megan Hale, a business strategist, and money mentor, shares her story of mastering money and her steps to sustainable success. A psychotherapist and entrepreneur, Megan experienced the difficulty of growing a business and having a family, so she had to change her business structure to support her goals. Megan shares her experience of learning to think about money from a holistic perspective and how the concept of Parkinson's Law helped her to make more money in half the time. Uncover the secrets to developing a feel-good money mindset and transforming your financial future!
Unpacking this episode min by min:

Megan Hale is today's guest. She is a business strategist and money mentor for experienced coaches, consultants, helpers, healers. We'll explore the whole idea of money and how we make it.
Megan's private practice and psychotherapy. When she went into online entrepreneurship, she realized she had a lot of money mindset work to do. 
What's the life that you want to live? That is going to inform how you structure the revenue streams.
Many entrepreneurs get caught up in the idea that there's always more to do. A lot of inner work centers around redefining enoughness.
Most entrepreneurs have big visions. The hardest part is finding a balance between ambition and realistic timelines.
Once the goal is set and there's a meaning behind it, then I start focusing on the work that actually needs to happen.
We revisit our goals all the time. 
There's a lot of noise out there that if you're not making the money that you want to make, it's because you haven't done the healing work first. 
"The money really is meant to support me. I'm not here to support the money. It has taken me forever to understand 
Entrepreneurship comes with risk. How can you hold yourself in that discomfort? 
Juggling motherhood and being an active-duty military spouse. 
We're human first, always.
The 2% pledge is really that initiative of taking 2% of your revenue and giving it to organizations that are creating the type of change that you want to see in the world.

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Megan Hale
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Riding Tandem with Vivian Kvam
A podcast from Tandem Works
Email the team: RidingTandem@thetandemworks.com 

#16 Feel Good Money Mindset - A Chat with Megan Hale on Taking Control of Your Business & Life
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